Policy Statement
This organisation recognises its responsibility to ensure that all reasonable precautions are taken to provide and maintain working conditions that are safe, healthy and compliant with all statutory requirements and codes of practice. This includes the provision of qualified first aiders in the organisation, who are qualified to deal with minor injuries. To ensure that we have enough first aid provision this organisation undertakes a first-aid needs assessment as recommended by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and our first aid provision reflects this assessment.
The Policy
This organisation understands first aid to refer to:
The initial and appropriate management of illness or injury aims to preserve life or minimise the consequences of injury and illness until professional medical help can be obtained.
The treatment of minor injuries that do not require the attention of a medical practitioner or nurse.
First Aid Needs Assessment
In assessing our first-aid needs, we consider:
The nature of the work we do.
Workplace hazards and risks (including specific hazards requiring special arrangements).
The nature and size of our workforce.
The work patterns of our staff.
Holiday and other absences of those who will be first-aiders and appointed persons.
Our organisation’s history of accidents.
We may also need to consider:
The needs of travelling, remote and lone workers.
The distribution of our workforce.
The remoteness of any of our sites from emergency medical services.
Whether our employees work on shared or multi-occupancy sites.
First-aid provision for non-employees (eg members of the public).
This organisation ensures that a qualified first aider is available at all times that there are staff working. They should be contacted via the main office, where there is a list displayed with their names. In addition to qualified first aider, the organisation also supports several staff trained in basic life support to assist the qualified first aiders.
All employees in this organisation should have access to a first aid box whilst at work. The principal first aid box is carried by the on-call first aider, who is responsible for checking its contents and ensuring that it is replenished when necessary.
The contents of the first aid box are based on the first aid needs assessment. A minimum first aid box might contain:
a leaflet with general guidance on first aid (for example, HSE’s leaflet Basic advice on the first aid at work
individually wrapped sterile plasters of assorted sizes
sterile eye pads
individually wrapped triangular bandages, preferably sterile
safety pins
large and medium-sized sterile, individually wrapped, unmedicated wound dressings
disposable gloves
Tablets or medicines should never be kept in the first aid box.
The box should be checked regularly and a record kept, that is dated and signed. Many items, particularly sterile ones, are marked with expiry dates. Any expired items should be replaced and disposed of safely. If a sterile item does not have an expiry date, check with the manufacturer to find out how long it can be kept. For non-sterile items without dates, check that they are still fit for purpose.
First Aid Information Signs and Posters)
First aid signs and posters are prominently displayed in the main office informing staff, visitors and service users what to do in the event of an emergency and from whom to obtain first aid assistance. This should include emergency contact telephone numbers. Similar information is included in all staff induction packs and should be carried by staff at all times.
All staff must familiarise themselves with the first-aid arrangements and with the names and locations of qualified first aiders or appointed persons and first aid boxes.
In all situations where staff or service users are injured at work and require first aid, the accidents procedure should be followed and the appropriate Statutory Accident forms filled in and witnessed. An incident record should also be made.
The HSE recommends that first aiders record:
The date, time and place of the incident
The name and job of the injured or ill person
Details of the injury/illness and what first aid was given
Details about what happened to the person immediately afterwards (eg went back to work, went home, went to the hospital)
The name and signature of the first aider or person dealing with the incident.
Injuries at work are also covered by RIDDOR (the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 and may require a report to be made to the HSE (see Accident Reporting Policy).
Accident reports and first-aid activity should be regularly reviewed by the management. Regular scrutiny of accident reports can help to identify underlying patterns and trends. It can also help to ensure adequate levels of first-aid provision and inform future First Aid assessments.
First Aid during the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic
Check your first aid needs assessment
When reviewing our risk assessment to include working during the pandemic, we have revised our first aid at work needs assessment where necessary.
We ask our first aiders if any factors should be taken into account as part of our risk assessment. These factors could include workers at risk with a first aid responsibility. They must be confident about providing the right assistance and know what equipment they can use to minimise the risk of infection transmission.
Guidance for first aiders
Although the UK Government has now removed social distancing in most workplace situations, first aiders should still consider the precautions set out in this guidance to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection.
Try to assist at a safe distance from the casualty, when possible.
Minimise the time spent very close to the casualty.
Although treating the casualty properly should be the first concern, they can also do things for you if they are capable.
Follow the revised procedures for Basic Life Support during Covid-19 documented in our Basic Life Support Policy.
First aid cover and qualifications during the pandemic
If first aid cover for the business is reduced because of COVID-19 or we are unable to get the first aid training needed, there are some things you can do to comply with the law.
Operate with reduced first aid cover where possible when fewer people are working from the office.
Continue with online training
Temporary omission of rescue breaths from training during high transmission rates
The Resuscitation Council UK (RCUK) has stated that they are supportive of training providers who may wish to omit practical teaching and assessment of rescue breaths in first aid training while COVID-19 transmission rates are high.
RCUK are leaders in the field of CPR. HSE support their position on this for most First Aid at Work (FAW) and Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW) training courses.
Providers who are satisfied that they can safely deliver practical teaching and assessment of rescue breaths may continue to do so.
If a FAW or EFAW training or requalification course does not include practical teaching of rescue breaths, employers should make sure that that the training includes:
a practical demonstration by the trainer and/or a video demonstration of rescue breath techniques.
full training in the theory of giving rescue breaths.
assurance from the training provider that the student is competent to give rescue breaths.
Workplace first aiders undertake annual refresher training. If first aid training or requalification during the COVID-19 pandemic has not included practical training and assessment for giving rescue breaths, employers should make sure it’s included in the next refresher course.
This guidance will be reviewed as transmission and infection rates improve.
Annual refresher training
If first aiders are unable to get annual face-to-face refresher training during the pandemic, we support the use of online refresher training to keep skills up to date.
The HSE still strongly recommend that the practical elements of FAW, EFAW and requalification courses are delivered face to face. This means that the competency of the student can be properly assessed.
Related Policies
Health and Safety
Record Keeping
HSE First Aid at Work:
Training Statement
Any staff member who wishes to become a qualified first aider should contact their line manager or supervisor and register their interest. The organisation will support and sponsor training for qualified first aider and refresher courses in so far as the organisation requires a sufficient pool of qualified staff to cover shifts. A qualified first aider must hold a valid Certificate of Competence in Emergency First Aid at Work or basic life support, issued by an organisation whose training and qualifications are recognised by the HSE. Such certificates are valid for three years; refresher training and re-testing must take place before the qualification expires.
All staff, during induction, are made aware of the organisation’s policies and procedures, all of which are used for training updates. All policies and procedures are reviewed and amended where necessary, and staff are made aware of any changes. Observations are undertaken to check skills and competencies. Various methods of training are used, including one to one, online, workbook, group meetings, and individual supervisions. External courses are sourced as required.
Date Reviewed: October 2022
Person responsible for updating this policy:
Next Review Date: October 2023
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