



Policy Statement

The Policy

Policy on Financial Irregularities

Related Policies

Related Guidance

Training Statement

Policy Statement

This organisation is committed to the highest standards of moral and ethical behaviour. Employees of the organisation are expected to report known or suspected financial irregularities. The organisation believes that its service users have a right to expect that the organisation will be run on an honest and sound financial basis, with robust procedures for dealing with and protecting the financial interests of service users.

The Policy

This policy is intended to set out the values, principles and policies underpinning this organisation’s approach to financial irregularities in the management of the organisation and the management of service users’ money and finances. The goal of the organisation is to ensure that service users’ financial interests are safeguarded by staff working for the organisation.

Policy on Financial Irregularities

In this organisation:

Written records of all transactions with service users should be maintained and kept securely.

Open, transparent and robust accounting and financial procedures should be adopted and annually audited by an independent firm of auditors.

Annual accounts will be prepared and submitted by a professional independent accountant.

Any member of organisation staff who suspects that a service user may be being cheated, defrauded or robbed, or that a service user is no longer capable of managing their finances, should report their suspicions to their line manager or supervisor; any member of organisation staff who suspects financial irregularities or corruption by organisation staff or managers should report their suspicions immediately to the owner of the organisation, followed by the appropriate safeguarding action.

All organisation staff are encouraged to raise any genuine concerns about any: malpractice, suspected crime, breach of legal obligations, miscarriage of justice, danger to health and safety or the environment, financial malpractice, fraud, corruption and breach of regulations – or any cover-up of these – that they may come across which affects the organisation, its service users or other staff; individuals who so disclose information have statutory protection in line with the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 and the organisation’s Whistleblowing Policy, provided that concerns are raised in the right way and they are acting in good faith.

All financial irregularities or suspected financial irregularities will be fully investigated by the owner of the organisation as per the organisation’s Disciplinary Policy.

Any evidence of fraud or criminal activities will be immediately reported to the police.

All members of organisation staff should co-operate fully with, and make any documents available to, the police and/or their appointed auditors upon investigation of any allegations of financial irregularities.

The organisation will maintain a register (that is open to inspection) within which the organisation’s owners and managers should declare, in writing, any interest or involvement with: any other separate organisation providing care or support services or responsible for commissioning or contracting those services, including where partners or other close family members own or manage at a senior level; other organisations providing domiciliary, day, residential or nursing care.

Where financial information is held on a computer or in a database then the requirements of data protection legislation should be followed.

All parties involved with a financial irregularity must handle the reporting and investigate with utmost confidentiality and objectivity.

Related Policies

Data Protection Legislative Framework (GDPR)

Duty of Candour

Good Governance and Quality

Related Guidance

CQC Regulation 5 Fit and Proper Persons – Directors:

ICO. GDPR Key Principles:

CQC Managing Money Belonging to People who Use Services:

Training Statement

All staff, during induction, are made aware of the organisation’s policies and procedures, all of which are used for training updates. All policies and procedures are reviewed and amended where necessary, and staff are made aware of any changes. Observations are undertaken to check skills and competencies. Various methods of training are used, including one to one, online, workbook, group meetings, and individual supervisions. External courses are sourced as required.

Date Reviewed: October 2022

Person responsible for updating this policy:

Next Review Date: October 2023

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