Policy Statement
This organisation believes that staff should ensure the security and safety of service users and their homes at all times when providing a personal service.
The Policy
This organisation aims to ensure that service users are protected and are safe and secure in their home.
Staff should ensure the security and safety of the home and the service user at all times when providing a personal service.
During the initial assessment, when care is planned, the security of the home should be discussed and an agreement reached about how the staff will affect entrance to the service user’s home; this should be entered in the care plan.
Staff should always:
- Carry their identification badge and show it to the service user on entry.
- Encourage service users to adopt safe home security practices wherever possible, including using door safety chains, even when they know that the worker will be at the door and requesting identification.
Staff should never:
- Agree to leave a key outside a house, in a safe place or on a string by the letterbox.
- Attempt to effect forced entry to the home.
If it is decided that the staff should hold a copy of the service user’s key, then the permission of the service user or their relatives should be made in writing and a suitable entry made to the service user plan. Keyholding should never be embarked upon without the express permission of a line manager or supervisor, or without an entry being made to the service user plan. Staff who hold keys for service users should:
- Label the key with a code, never with the name and address of the service user (in case the key becomes lost).
- Be very careful to keep the key in a safe place at all times.
- Inform their line manager immediately in cases of the loss or theft of keys.
When key safes and key cards are used. Keycode numbers are recorded on rotas (which do not include service users’ addresses). Each week rota sheets must be returned to the office once calls have taken place and there they are disposed of securely.
Security of key code numbers is paramount, if a member of staff forgets a key code number then they must call the office. The office calls the person back to confirm their identity before giving the number over the phone.
Staff should never:
- Leave key safe open when leaving the service user,
- Attempt to effect forced entry to the home.
Entering a Service User’s Home: Protocol
When entering a service user’s home, staff should:
- Knock or ring the doorbell or call out before entry, even if they hold a key and can let themselves in.
- Always show their identification badge on entry.
- Offer to check that windows and doors are secure before leaving a premise.
- Always check that the door is secure as they leave.
Identity Card Policy
Identity cards are provided for all staff entering the home of service users. These cards should display:
- A photograph of the member of staff.
- The name of the person and employing organisation in large print.
- The contact number of the organisation.
- The date of issue and expiry date, which should not exceed 36 months from the date of issue.
Identity cares should also be:
- Available in large print for people with visual disabilities.
- Renewed and replaced within at least 36 months from the date of issue.
- Returned to the organisation when employment ceases.
Emergency Procedure
The following procedure should be followed in cases where the staff attend a premise but cannot gain access or receive no answer from the service user. The staff should:
- Check their diary that they have the right day/time/address.
- Knock several times and try to raise the service user by calling through the letterbox.
- If there is still no answer then the staff should try phoning the service user or their relatives, or get the company office to call the service user or their relatives.
- If the problem is not resolved by phone, the situation should be reported to the staff’s line manager or supervisor who will continue to attempt to contact the service user and/or their relatives.
- If there is cause for concern as to the service user’s wellbeing, the staff should report this to the company office, their line manager and/or supervisor and the police should be contacted, either by the office or by the staff themselves.
- On no account should the staff attempt to effect forced entry to the home; in the event of an emergency, the staff should always contact the police or an ambulance and wait for them.
Related Policies
Adult Safeguarding
Assessment of Need and Eligibility
Care and Support Planning
Code of Conduct for Workers
Cyber Security
Data Protection Legislative Framework (GDPR)
Monitoring and Accountability
Record Keeping
Service user Records (HOME)
Related Guidance
AGE UK Crime Prevention:
Skills for Care Code of Conduct:
Training Statement
All staff, during induction, are made aware of the organisation’s policies and procedures, all of which are used for training updates. All policies and procedures are reviewed and amended where necessary, and staff are made aware of any changes. Observations are undertaken to check skills and competencies. Various methods of training are used, including one to one, online, workbook, group meetings, and individual supervisions. External courses are sourced as required. [AMEND AND INSERT AS REQUIRED]
Date Reviewed: October 2022
Person responsible for updating this policy:
Next Review Date: October 2023